Obesity and Self Esteem

Honestly, You WILL Feel Better About Yourself

I have observed a definite relationship between obesity and self-esteem in my teaching career.

At the risk of being politically incorrect, but in the hope of being positively honest, here is what I have observed many times in my classes.

Of students who earn A’s and B’s, ten to twelve percent were obviously obese.
Of students who earn D’s and F’s, twenty to thirty percent were decidedly obese.

It is impossible for me to assess self-esteme, but most students who do (or don’t do) work poorly enough to get low grades are likely not holding to the best feelings about themselves.

Losing weight is no guarantee of getting good grades or achieving success in other areas, but there is a pretty high likelihood that having the energy and motivation to lose those pounds will give you a better feeling about yourself.

That increased self-esteem can then result in the courage to risk trying to do your best in the other parts of life. Who knows, you might even develop the courage to begin studying and doing better in school.