Cell Phones for Kids

Do You Really Need a Million Apps?

When is the time to start?

We do not recommend cell phones for kids who are younger than middle school age. Much before then, kids are usually not responsible enough to keep from losing the phone, nor are they mature enough to prevent or ignore unwise use of the phone. Plus, they establish habits that can lead to addiction to the use of these enjoyable devices.

Most kids don’t really need a cellphone. Older kids have developed an extreme dependence on their cellphone, often to the exclusion of doing any constructive physical or mental activities. It is important to delay giving a cellphone to a younger child until an age of responsibility and wisdom begins to kick in.

Sometimes I think there should be “cellphone training and smart use” courses just as there are “hunter safety” courses prior to getting your first hunting license. In fact, as I watch our society become even more “dumbed down,” I’m wondering if present day Smart Phones are literally smarter than their users.

But what if…?

If your child is begging for a cellphone, and there are legitimate reasons for having one, there are phones on the market designed specifically for kids. There are also purchase plans giving parents control over most of the use.

You can get features such as number blocking, GPS locators, call restrictions, sound monitors, no text and no Internet options. Emergency buttons and more are available.

Check out the following cellphones for kids.