

The Right Clothing Helps Make a Good Life

Good Clothing from Head to Toe
Humans have worn clothing from that fateful day when Adam and Eve messed up and committed the first sin.

Various cultures and climates determine the style and function of the clothing we wear. From long flowing robes to skimpy beach wear, our tastes, needs and even religion define what we buy, create or wear. Even our individual personalities determine or reflect our choice in clothing.

Even our jobs and hobbies have their specialized clothing. Firefighters have protective clothing while business oriented people have their own set of specialization. OUr clothing is defined by many different criteria.

  • protection
  • style
  • color
  • visibility
  • comfort
  • utility

Our need to “look good,” no matter what the purpose, creates an enduring syndrome in our choice of clothing. Fishermen search for a combination of efficiency, lightness and waterproof while golfers may put an emphasis on flexibility and comfort.

Many other factors interpose in almost all areas of clothing selection and wearing.

  • type of material
  • longevity of style
  • comfortable feel on skin
  • can it be washed?

Unless you are independently wealthy, the cost of clothing is a continuing factor. We don’t want to look “cheap,” but we do like the words “inexpensive” frugal.

As you explore the clothing section of the Good Life Store, notice the fine selection of apparel at moderate cost that we provide. Make your choices wisely, finding that fine line that blends cost, utility and style.