
You Can’t Buy it. You Have to Live it!

The Good Life Starts Internally.

Learning how to live a good life amounts to understanding and initiating two profoundly simple actions.learning how to enjoy life

  1. Get off your “buts”
  2. Realize that YOUR MIND MATTERS MOST

Have you ever said, “I would like to take up photography, BUT I’m not very creative.” Or expressed some other activity you would LIKE to try?

Or, “I would go snowboarding, BUT I don’t want to get cold,” always having a supposed reason why you can’t do or try something?

The starting point to add genuine benefit and enjoyment to your life is to stop saying “but” and


It’s easy to say, but often hard to accomplish. The starting point of ditching those stifling excuses is to understand that in all of living


Everything you do, or don’t do, is a decision you make. You are the one who chooses to “hang out” at the mall all day rather than go on an interesting hike or try some other new adventure.

Most of all, you need to remember that it isn’t the “stuff” that gives you a good life. The real joy of living a good life starts and ends with using your mind.

First, you must really want to do something. Then you have to develop the mindset that gives you the motivation to actually bring your goal to completion. Only after you have gained the motivation and desire to really engage in an activity should you actually go and purchase the items needed to participate in the activity.

Think wisely. Shop wisely. Enjoy thoroughly.

The First Step is the Hardest One

Start exploring our site for great tips, practical advice and quality products that can bring your daily living into a more enjoyable and productive state.

As you read you will discover enjoyable events that you have only imagined until now. The challenge is to develop the motivation and courage to take that first step towards a journey that could last a lifetime.

Remember, since the mind really does matter the most, one of the first stops you might want to make is to check out our learning pages.

  • Comprehend how to enjoy sports to the fullest extent, both as an individual and as a family.
  • Take action on what it means to live with and benefit from great health.
  • Accept the power to achieve weight loss that works to lose weight and then keeps it off.
  • Explore new activities that create an active and productive lifestyle.
  • Learn where to find great technology that enhances the quality of your life.
  • Find out the How to… of building, fixing or trying things you never thought possible.
  • Comprehend ways in which clothing can make you more comfortable and self-confident.

See how you can attack mundane household operations and turn drudgery into efficiency and bland into unique flavors.