Weight Loss

Lose Weight to Gain Health

Weight Loss – a National Oxymoron

Even as many politicians and doctors have declared obesity a national disaster, we continue to live in a society that enables weight to be gained easily and with good flavor.
We know that being overweight is ultimately bad for us, yet continue to indulge in great tasting food laden with fat inducing products.

The evidence is clear. Being overweight does have negative, long-term effects on our health. What isn’t so obvious are the more immediate effects that obesity creates.
Weight and Success

Even in the classroom I have observed an interesting and sad statistic. Almost without exception, the percentage of students who get grades of D or F and who are obviously obese is about three times the percentage of obese students who get A’s and B’s. Whether the cause is lack of self-esteem, lessened energy levels or some other characteristic, the fact is the numbers are there. A higher percentage of overweight students perform poorly than perform well, and least in my classes.

There are no magic wands that will force us to lose the weight we put into our New Year’s resolution. We can start the process, however, and begin to develop a plan and lifestyle that loses weight and gains healthy benefit.

Our society is filled with multiple ways of losing the weight that so easily encumbers us.
fad diets
specialized programs
hunger reducing pills
specialized surgery
motivational books
Since obesity and weight loss can be a medical issue, we make the following disclaimer.

On this site we do not claim to have the ultimate answer to what works best. We do know that it’s up to YOU to make the decisions that are necessary and will work best for you.

Since weight loss can be a medical issue, neither do we endorse or recommend any of the multiple programs or process available.

The programs and products we advertise on this site are for informational resources only. We do not make any claims as to their benefit or use to you as an individual. It is your responsibility to determine the safety and efficiency of each product or program that you elect to try.