Logo Clothing

Clothing that is Just Plain Fun


One of the best marketing systems that has lasting effect is to provide logo clothing, both to employees and clients.

Whether it is hats, shirts or jackets, when your logo is displayed on a uniform or just casual wear, the unsaid message of your company or group is being seen by others.

There are some characteristics any effective logo clothing must have.


Your logo should clearly reflect what you do. There should not be any doubt what company the logo represents. As a marketing tool, the actual clothing should be neat and classy looking. You certainly want a positive image representing your company.


If you are going to spend money on obtaining logo clothing, you definitely want the message to be easily seen. Don’t try and convey to much information about your company on logo clothing. Remember, you want to remind the observer of your company. Then they will contact you and find the information they need.

Expand your reach

Give away appropriate logo clothing on company outings, golf tournaments, even relief efforts. As people who aren’t even a direct part of your company wear their clothing, your message will be getting a wider exposure.

Brand recognition.